Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Talent Attraction, Wyoming Style

Wyoming is recruiting workers from Michigan in the hopes of addressing labor shortages and growing the economy and population. It's good to see an article that discusses the allure of rural living. So much "talent attraction" seems to stereotype a desireable locale as a city with loft apartments. Let's face it, a lot of people want more peaceful environment. And some actually like winter! Bottom line -- having a strong job offer is critical. My other thought about this article is that it is further evidence of the labor market shortage faced by the energy industry. The problem is probably worse in a sparsely populated state such as Wyoming, but things aren't looking too good for SWPA. After all, the industry has a disproportionately older workforce and people are bound to eventually leave the workforce. My question is, "What are we doing to build a pipeline of future workers?"