Monday, July 31, 2006

Be What I Want to Be

I'm a sucker for a good story. Maybe that's why I absolutely love the Maryland Business Roundtable's career exploration website: You can read about people in a variety of jobs and industries. The site tells you what they do, why they pursued their career and profiles a "day in the life." They also explain how certain classes helped prepare them for their work. Clever... very clever.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Singapore Luring Away Top US Talent

I've noticed some increased attention to the fact that the US lags behind other countries in producing a critical mass of engineers and scientists. (Although, there's an interesting counterpoint in the Cleveland Plain Dealer.) Jut when I thought it was safe... I read about yet another international talent dilemna -- the best of the best are being recruited to work elsewhere. (In a global economy, I'm not sure this is a bad thing.) Regardless, the policy issues are intriguing. Not only is the Singapore government pouring money into the development of biotech, they're creating a decidely different regulatory environment. "Cores of the world's top companies and scientists have been lured by promises of hassle-free funding and the freedom to follow their research interests, unfettered by the conflicted ethical debate in the United States about the use of stem cells." Read more...

Teens Want Jobs

Despite all of the adult fretting about teenagers' work ethic, teens are eager to join the workforce. A recent Boys and Girls Club survey asked teens what they would like to see done differently for teens in the US. Thirty-nine percent stated that they want more youth jobs! Moreover, many teens believe that a good job is a key component of the American dream. Read more...